Coronavirus Preparedness Statement
Last updated 19 May 2021.
Oppstar Technology has been assessing and monitoring the potential impact of COVID-19, both internally and on behalf of our customers. Specifically, we understand that customer and governmental recommendations have dramatically curtailed access to workplaces. Moreover, we are mindful that, as always, the health and well-being of our employees and our customers are our number one priority. As such, we want to share details of our readiness.
Our focus has been on three key elements: the safety of our employees, customers, and partners, the continuity of our services, and being a trusted advisor to you in your business continuity efforts.
We have taken the following steps within our organization to reduce the potential spread of the virus as well as ensure continued operations:
- Activated our senior executive response team to monitor the ongoing developments of COVID-19 to respond to various scenarios as needed.
We continue to follow and comply with federal and state government mandates as they are issued and updated. Under current criteria, Oppstar Technology is defined as an Essential Business and will continue operating as such in support of our customers.
Oppstar has developed COVID Response Plans for all of our operations and have trained our managers and employees on how to comply.
Only business-critical travel is allowed. All meetings are being conducted virtually.
All non-essential personnel are currently working remotely.
Our support teams are distributed geographically to best serve our customers. Our employees are equipped to work from home. These are the key individuals that provide the support and services to keep our operations, and thus our customers running at peak performance.
Essential personnel in our offices and those visiting client sites are all required to:
Take their temperature each morning prior to coming into the office or visiting a client site, and are asked to remain home if their temperature is above 37.5ºC or if they are feeling sick.
Notify their manager if they believe they have COVID-19 or related symptoms and to not return to work until cleared.
Wash and sanitize hands regularly and avoid touching their face and remain social distancing with others of at least 1 meter at all times while in the office or on a client site.
Wear masks and gloves where required or asked.
While visiting customer sites employees are to follow client safety requirements.
Oppstar is taking all appropriate precautions and measures to help ensure that business operations continue uninterrupted and that we can respond appropriately to customer requests as they arise. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team for any questions or concerns you may have going forward.
We will be providing updates to this page as necessary.